Long Distance Lover is built around our readers’ trust. To be completely transparent, we want to disclose exactly how we earn money on this website, which helps us to continue producing high-quality content.
We earn money on this site through:
- Affiliate & referral commissions
- Banner advertising (currently disabled)
- Selling our own digital products (coming soon)
We participate in affiliate programs, run by (but not limited to) Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Impact Radius, AWIN & Share-A-Sale, plus other smaller businesses that run their own affiliate programs.
These programs are designed to provide a means for websites like Long Distance Lover to earn commissions by linking to Amazon.com and other affiliated sites. We will only earn advertising fees from qualifying purchases and at no additional cost to you.
Not all products or services that we link to are tied to an affiliate program. But to be safe, you should assume that any links on Long Distance Lover that lead you to a product or service, we will receive compensation from if you are to make a purchase.
We only promote or endorse products and services that we have fully researched ourselves and truly believe that they are valuable to you and your long distance relationship.
If you have any questions regarding our affiliate disclosure, please contact us.